IN:WA adds new members + builds on its key pillars of Sharing, Learning and Representation

IN:WA has made the most of continued support from the broader commercial communication sector in Western Australia. Three new members reflect the breadth of organisations who are all finding real value for their respective businesses; from boutique design studios like And/And, production companies like Sandbox, through to PR and multi-faceted marketing agencies like Detail. 

Claire McGowan, Director of Detail (team picture above), shares this sentiment around IN:WA, saying: “Joining IN:WA allows Detail to contribute to and be part of a broader community that supports the growth and sustainability of independent creative businesses. At its core, IN:WA aligns with our values of supporting the local industry in a tangible way.”

Sandbox Managing Director, Grady Habib (pictured bottom), said: “It’s great to be part of an organisation that strips away outdated silo thinking and brings together creative companies. Not only do we promote great WA talent, but also work together to solve our common challenges while supporting one another in a genuine and meaningful way.”

This member growth continues to underpin IN:WA’s financial and professional investment into the organisation’s pillars of Sharing, Learning and Representation.

2024 has seen the Owners & Leaders Assembly establish itself as the heart of Sharing for IN:WA members. Hosted three times a year at Lawson Flats, the O&LA breakfast is a collaborative mix of industry discussion and more targeted conversations around business challenges and opportunities.

IN:WA’s Learning pillar has recently been bolstered through a partnership with the UK Alliance of Independent Agencies (AIA). The IN:Learning pilot program is currently trialling industry-based training modules, offered by the AIA as 90-minute workshops to junior-/mid-tier staff of IN:WA member businesses.

Jeff Champtaloup, Chair of IN:WA, said: “The relationship with AIA has been an interesting development for IN:WA and our members. Beyond the education side of things, we are now looking at avenues to open up business connections with independent agencies in, not just the UK, but also South Africa.”

On the Representation front, IN:WA surveyed its members in August to get a better understanding of pain points around the tendering process. The results have shown that agency resource (or lack of) is the biggest hurdle when it comes to meeting tender requirements.

IN:WA board member, Mark Braddock of Block, said: “The opportunity here is for IN:WA to provide its members with services around tender education and resourcing; something that may help those independent businesses who may not have the time or personnel to tap into the tender opportunities in WA.”

With 2024 not over yet for IN:WA, with the next panel event happening on Thursday 21 November at Lawson Flats. The topic – Creative V Commercial – will ask the big question: Is creativity the best driver of commercial success? Open to both members and non-members, this event will challenge your business model and give you insights into how to harness the value of creativity.

Limited tickets are available now via Eventbrite. For more details, click here.

For more information on becoming a member of IN:WA, email You can also find our more at


IN:WA Ignites Conversation on Creativity vs Commercial at Lively Panel Event
